Thursday, February 13, 2014

National Children's Dental Health Month

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. We had the opportunity to talk with a pediatric dental office named Giggles and Grins, PLLC, office of Dr. Sandra Armstrong Dr. Amy Watts and Associates. They provided some valuable information about pediatric dental health.

The American Dental Association has named February as National Children's Dental Health Month.  This is intended to bring awareness to the oral health of children.  The American Association of Pediatric Dentistry has issued the "State of Little Teeth Report" which emphasizes the significant threat that tooth decay has to the well-being and future of children. is an excellent resource to families for accessing both general information related to their child’s dental health and guidance on specific issues.  


What parents really want to know…

·            When should I bring my child to the dentist for the first visit?

Simply…”First visit by first birthday” is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.  This visit will establish a “dental home” for your child, and it begins a thorough prevention program. Pleasant visits to the dental office will promote trust and confidence in your child for a lifetime.

·            What dental problems could a baby have?
         A big concern for babies is Early Childhood Caries.  Once a child’s diet includes anything besides breast milk, erupted teeth are at risk for cavities.  Remember…children should never go to bed with a bottle!

·            Why does my child need a space maintainer?

If a primary or baby tooth is prematurely  lost as a result of injury or decay, a space maintainer is recommend to “hold the space ” for the permanent tooth.  If left alone, the surrounding teeth can shift into the space resulting in crowding, or blocking the permanent tooth from eruption.
·            What if my child’s tooth is knocked out?

Accidents happen!  If your child’s tooth is loosened or knocked out, contact your dentist immediately.   If possible, put the tooth back in the socket or place in milk. The good news…in most cases, the tooth can be reattached. Mouth guards are crucial for kids participating in sports. You can purchase them from stores that sell athletic gear, or they can be custom made at your dental office.

·            Why did my doctor recommend sealants?

Sealants offer valuable decay protection for your child.  They are extremely effective for preventing cavities in the deep grooves of the molar teeth. Sealants are painted on the tooth surface and hardened with a special light.  It is painless and does not require numbing the tooth. Prevention is the key to a healthy mouth!

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