Thursday, October 10, 2013

Learning Styles and Study Tips

Have you ever felt like you have been studying for hundreds of hours and the information will not stick to your memory? Of course this leads to frustration and you ask yourself, “What am I doing wrong!?” Maybe it is because you do not know how to study for your type of learning style.

There are three learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

Those that are visual learners use charts, pictures and graphs to understand information. This type of learner is able to recall information when they see it such as reading a text or watching a lecture. They are also good at reading body language and have a good perception of aesthetics.

Auditory learners retain information by hearing it. Sometimes auditory learners do better hearing the content and then verbally repeating the information to themselves to help with memorization. Some auditory learners learn better when there is soft music playing in the background.

Then there are kinesthetic learners who need the hands-on approach to learn material. This type of learner is usually better at math and science and would rather demonstrate how to do something rather than explain it. Most kinesthetic learners prefer group work.

If you do not know your learning style, then just take this simple learning style inventory to help you.

Now, here are some tips to help you study for each learning style. Some of you might be a mixture of two or even all three learning styles. Try out different ways to study to find which works best for you.


Make lists and make sure to put them in places that you will see several times a day. That way you can quiz yourself during the day.
Draw a picture of the information you want to learn.
Write down the information in your own words.
Underline and highlight your notes.
Read the text before class so you can visually connect with the information.


Use a recorder to document your notes instead of writing notes. This way you can play it back while riding in the car, jogging or washing dishes.
Read the text out loud to yourself.
Discuss the material with others from your class.
When writing papers, say what you want to write out loud.


Study through practical experiences such as lab work, role playing or making models.
Memorize while walking or exercising.
Try standing up while reading or writing.
Use flash cards with a question on one side and the answer on the other.
To study with others develop a quiz game like Jeopardy.

Other important studying tips are:
  • Decide what to study, how long to study and how much to study before you get started.
  • If you are motivated, start with the most difficult task.
  • Find your perfect place to study and have it well equipped for your studying needs.
  • Take breaks.
  • Allow plenty of time to read the required texts, outlining information and writing papers.
  • Use memory activities.
  • Study with a classmate.


Brett Bixler. (n.d.). Learning style inventory. Retrieved from 

Gavilan College. (n.d.). Study tips for different learning styles. Retrieved from

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. (2010). Retrieved from

Washington State. (n.d.). Gear it up. Retrieved from

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